The Mont Blanc Massif is the highest peak in Western Europe and has awe-inspiring sites that everyone can appreciate. With this in mind, what are a few of the things that you will see on the Tour du Mont Blanc?

1. The Borders of Multiple Countries on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Mont Blanc spans the borders of three different countries. Those who attend this tour will get to see parts of France, Italy, and Switzerland.

With access and views of so many different countries, this tour will provide a truly unique experience.

Those who are only going to make it to the Alps once in their life might as well experience as much as possible.

2. Hut Hiking Is Everywhere

Many people don’t realize that this tour is going to involve hut hiking. It can sometimes be a challenge to book huts in advance, particularly if people do not speak the native language; however, there are many companies that are available to assist hikers to make sure that their needs are met. There are hundreds of huts along the trails so people should not have any issue finding a place to stay.

3. Beautiful Glaciers Abound

The hike takes about a dozen days to complete and there will be gorgeous glaciers all over the trail. This is one of the aspects that makes this hike a truly unique experience.

4. Old Trading Routes

There are remnants of old trading routes throughout this hike. There are old trails, signs of trading posts, and evidence that this was once a heavily trafficked area. Those who appreciate history will enjoy this tour.

5. Views from the Aiguille du Midi

This is one of the highlights of the entire tour and nobody should miss this experience. This views from this site cannot be replicated anywhere else on Earth. Do not miss these stellar views.

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