As the new year 2020 has introduced the world to a pandemic it has brought the globe to a stand still. While people have been warned to stay indoors and avoid any kind of human contact maintaining safe distance, avoiding more spread of the virus, there are people who still have the need to move from one place to another.

It makes sense that we cannot completely eradicate the danger of coming

into contact with the virus while having to travel around, but we can surely adopt important safety precautionary measures like carrying along a hand sanitizer, wearing a face mask, avoiding personal contact. One major step that can be taken towards our safety when we urgently need to travel, that most of us do not really notice is that we can actually book our train tickets online using apps like MakeMyTrip etc. For a long time online booking has been considered as a medium to reduce time and efforts, but in these current unhealthy situations these actions are even more purposeful as they help in reducing human contact, you won’t be having the need to stand in a queue. Eventually avoiding a huge gathering of people and helping yourself and the world to beat this disease by taking a little step and even becoming a part of digital India.

Expected Changes

  • Huge drop down in domestic and international travel
  • Vacation season will not see people travelling for long periods of time
  • We won’t be able to even plan a short trip for some time
  • We will see a digital enhancement with people digitally booking their flights, trains & bus tickets online
  • Less people travelling means less vehicles being used which means that pollution problems will also be tackled

The government has taken a major step by imposing the lockdown throughout the country and only people associated with essential services should be leaving their houses but most of us have not taken that very seriously. We need to understand that getting back to normal travelling is going to take a while even if the lockdown is lifted after a few weeks, we will still have to be cautious. Lifting the lockdown doesn’t mean that we can create a mass gathering or travel carefree. Not just the trains, even the metros are overly crowded, we will need to be cautious everywhere.

To protect yourself from getting infected, book your metro tickets online and refuse to be a part of the careless queue. This might not keep you 100% safe but surely reduces the risk to a greater extent. For example, there might be a coronavirus carrier in the ticket booking queue, by not being a part of the queue you eventually eliminate that risk and if luck is in your favour you might not even share the same compartment with the virus carrier, might not seem like the best precaution but every little step matters during these crisis and as it is rightly said that prevention is better than cure.

Every sensible step we take is going to HELP US which can only be taken BY US and we will have to take it FOR US. We as the citizens will be doing great by not planning any long trips in the coming months and putting all the travel plans on a halt for a while and we’ll be doing more amazing if we even go digital while planning our daily travels and trips. We need to stay safe to keep everyone else safe.

If they ask you, where have you been?

Your answer has to be, Quarantine!

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